Hi, I'm John

I'm trying to build my dreams. Currently working on Thrylos Media. Let's talk.Chicago, IL | Business + Tech + Marketing + Film


A list of businesses I'm currently working on.

2023-24 | Entertainment Marketing

Thrylos Media

Promoting entertainment media for less through a vast, entertainment-focused short-form creator network that reaches millions every day.

2023-24 | Influencer Management

Thrylos Ads

A self-serve campaign management tool for influencer campaigns. Source and vet creators, coordinate launches, track key metrics, and manage payouts all from one dashboard.

2022-24 | Lead Gen


A crowd-sourced research platform designed to generate quality leads at scale, with community-driven QA systems in place to ensure accuracy.

2024 | Web Design

Web Design Services

A suite of digital services offered to small businesses in the Chicagoland area.

Past Projects

These businesses have all met their demise.

2021-23 | COmmunity

Narwhal Ventures

The Narwhal was the first mass-giveaway bot on Discord. At its peak, The Narwhal ran weekly giveaways reaching more than 400,000 users worldwide, along with a giveaway website and interactive game. It eventually failed due to lack of profit, which was caused by Discord's policies on advertising.

2020 | Affiliate Registrar


A Godaddy-affiliate domain registrar, offering discounted domain names and website design. The project quickly failed due to personal inexperience and lack of differentiation from much larger competitors.

2019-20 | Streaming Service


A music streaming platform and community for young musicians, intended to be the Scratch of the music world. It was shut down due to low usage.

Work Experience

A list of businesses I've worked with (that I didn't create myself).

Web Design / Consulting (2022-24)

"Consulting" is a bit of a pretentious word, and I sure don't have decades of experience to back up that claim. The reason I call what I do consulting is because I've worked with multiple small business to assist with their technical needs, using my own experience from my own projects to assist them.A list of my clients is coming soon.

Decartel (2022-23)

Decartel is an international full-cycle game development agency, offering QA, CX, production, art, graphics and community management.I specialized in community growth primarily on Discord and Twitter.

Lowkick GamesCommunity Design (Worldshards)Advanced community design on Discord with custom software solutions. Community launch overview and support. Assisted with global launch.
GrabrCommunity Design + LaunchI managed the launch of the Grabr community, and worked on design, onboarding structure, event management, and content coordination. I utilized custom built tracking and engagement solutions to assist with launch.
ERZ OnlineCommunity Design, Content, ManagementI led a small team of community experts, managed multi-language content creation for multiple social channels (primarily Discord), ran community events, wrote dev updates and engagement content, redesigned the community Discord server, and created a community engagement strategy.

Mrktng4 (2021-22)

The predecessor to Decartel, Mrktng4 was a smaller agency specializing in game marketing, community management, QA, and CX.I worked on quality assurance, and got hired through an application to a sister company for community management.I spent a short time doing quality assurance for Heatherglade, a mobile game client at the time. I was tasked with managing a limited expansion to the US market, including talent sourcing, device distribution, and training.

Erny.gg (2021-22)

My first real job, Erny.gg was an expirimental Discord-based influencer network being developed by the team at Mrktng4, including Alexander Moshkov and Stan Pleshchev, who would eventually go on to employ me at their agency.I started off managing just their Discord server, but eventually took over influencer acquisition, growing the network from a reach of around 200,000 to over 2M. Initial ad runs in 2022 proved to be ineffective, resulting in the eventual end of the service. I was retained to work on projects for clients at Decartel.

Hypetrain DigitalBreathedgeCampaign launch, ad copy, influencer coordination
SuperGGWonhon: A Vengeful SpiritCampaign launch, ad copy, influencer coordination
GameforgeTrigon: Space ForceCampaign launch, ad copy, influencer coordination

Contact Me

I'd love to chat with you. Feel free to reach out with ideas, pitches, service requests, questions, and whatever else you want to send my way. The best way to reach me is through this form (I respond to most non-spam inquiries).

© 2024 John Alznauer. Landscape images taken by me.